Private Limited Company
Private Limited Company Registration (Pvt Ltd): Gateway to Business Success in India
A private limited company is a business which is privately owned by some private stakeholders. The penalty for PVT LTD is same as the limited partnership. But in case of penalty for shareholder grows to the amount of shares taken by them.
According to Indian law, under section 2(68) of the Companies Act 2013, the definition of a private limited company PVT is "A Company having a minimum paid-up share capital as may be prescribed and which, by its articles"
The fast-growing culture of start-ups in the national & international markets is making it easy for innovative & entrepreneurial people to join the start-up venture. To fulfill the startup dreams there should be knowledge about the various business registration types like sole proprietorship, limited liability company (LLP), and private limited company (PLC) in India.
To get the license for starting a business or company, there are online registration portals provided by the government for Private Limited Company Registration, PVT LTD online registration, etc. The Unlocking new startups get a solid base after getting government-certified registration under any business. Also with these online business registration, the startups acquire certification, recognition & benefits in tax exemption, funds & government grants.
A recorded headquarters is important for setting up a Private Limited Company in India. This premise is an official address for communication & legal notice.
There is a pattern of flexibility in holder ship & control as the Directors can also take up Share of the business.
In India, foreign investments are accommodated with 100% Foreign Direct Ownership (FDI) in most of all sectors. This creates no foundation for foreign Shareholding in PVT. and this criterion makes it a great option to attract foreign shareholders into the Indian market.
If any startup is interested in starting any business, a PVT & LTD is a feasible option. Here our company startupflora comes into play as we will be helping our clients in the online registration process, PLC registration, etc to grow & establish their businesses and to make profits out of it.
There is a mandatory need to provide some documents in the process of the pvt registration system and this list is dependent on the basis of state jurisdiction.
The common documents needed are mentioned below.
ID Proof & Adress Proof of the owner.
Declaration of Directors: A legal statement by all the directors expressing their permission to act as a director.
Memorandum of Association (MOA): A legal document which contains the final drafts with company name, official address, The motive of the business, The liability of members, & certified shareholder.
Articles of Association (AOA): A document stating all the Rules ®ulations in the company, The management plan, Profit distribution & meeting procedure.
Director's Consent Form: A Form signed by all the directors giving formal consent to be in a director position of the company,
Proof of Registered Office: A utility bill or the agreement deed of the office's registered address.
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC): A digital online certificate for electronic filling to the registrar of the company (ROC)
Declaration of Beneficial Ownership: A legal document stating the beneficial stakeholders of the business
Form 10A (Incorporation Form): It is a form that has all the info about the company, its stakeholders, the owner & the office address.
Form 32 (Declaration of Commencement of Business): This is a form that is to be filled within 30 days of the business incorporation.
A clear knowledge of the process & documentation is the prime focus of establishing any PVT LTD Company. Our company StartupFlora is a perfect guide to your process of PVT online registration.
What is Private Limited Company (PVT LTD)
Essential attributes of a private limited company:
Benefits of a private limited company Registration
Limited liability: The stakeholders are only liable to the business debts to the amount of their investment.
Privacy: The information about the company is never disclosed to the public
Flexibility: The company can be headed by the owner without any involvement of external parties
Tax Exemption: In some kinds of Private Limited companies, they are qualified for some tax benefits & tax exemptions.
Important Points for Documenting a Private Limited Company in India
Required Documents for Registration
Why Choose StartupFlora?
Limited Liability - The shareholders take responsibility for the debts only to the equal level of their investment.
Personnel Ownership- The shares of the company are under the group of investors & stakeholders and are not for the public selling
Limited Share Transfer- The shares of the PVT, LTD are cannot be traded in the stock market.
Independent legal commodity: The business or the company works as a separate or individual entity & is not under any legal bindings with the owners or stakeholders. The business can perform any activity, can held ownership, or take part in legal proceedings by its own.
Two legal Stakeholders are Mandatory: The private limited company (PVT) has to have two stakeholders involved in it.
No need for Minimum paid Capital- For a Private limited company there is no condition to have a Minimum paid-up capital.
We help our clients with the complete process of PVT LTD company registration process making it more simplified & easy to acquire certification & government recognition. With this, we ensure a full completion of the legal requirement.
Our services include:-
Company registration
Startup India Registration
Tax exemption assistance.
Seed funding consultancy
Business plan development
Legal and compliance advice
Ready to Start Your Pvt Ltd?
Contact StartupFlora today for Customized assistance. We'll help you navigate the registration process smoothly and set your business up for growth.